I have such a desire to homeschool W. I can't believe that he is aware of so many things. He knows more than I give him credit for. His curiosity is at an all-time high and I don't want to see that squelched. I have no problem with preschool as it is only 2.5 hours a day and he loves being there. I remember Kindergarten out in Long Island (which was more like preschool is today). I remember having the best time there. If anything it fostered my love of learning - unlike the next 16 years of school. I'd maybe like to let him do Kindergarten and then we'll see. My 2 biggest obstacles are that he might want to remain in school and that my family will bombard me with rejections.
Then again he may fly through school at the top like K did. K's school experience mirrors an incredibly bubble-gum television school experience (except for a couple of nasty friend issues last year). Her love of learning is as strong as ever, she's very popular, and she's adored by her teachers. It's almost too good to be true. I wouldn't want W to miss an experience like that. For me it's not about being a militant homeschooler. I appreciate that I have several options for my kids' educational path. I will do what is best for each individual child. For J that means homeschooling. For K, it doesn't. For W, I just don't know.
The family is what gets to me. B and my mom tell me not to be too hasty and let's just see how he does in school. I won't even tell MIL that I'm thinking of homeschooling him. In a way, J's school problems were a blessing in disguise. We got to see how great homeschooling is and I can use her crappy experience as a reason to continue h/s'ing her and as a reason to want to h/s W. I guess I like having it as my excuse and crutch. I'm usually not good at explaining things to others and I feel like I "lose" arguements all the time. Especially with MIL. I hate that she has to come across as so intimidating and "right" all the time. I think a major convincing point will be the test J takes this spring. I have no doubt she will score high. But this may not be enough. They are concerned about them being around other kids. Our h/s group has enough activities and events to take care of that concern. W also takes 2 dance classes a week and will be in Little League in the spring. I see plenty of socialization opportunity in his life.
This has been just a long ramble of my jumbled thoughts. Writing all my feelings out is the best way for me to think. I'll eventually figure it out. There are so many points to consider.
Writing is good for hashing things out. My kids have never been to school. I wondered if I would feel bad for some of the good times to be had that school sometimes provides, but that doesn't always happen for everyone. You can be unsocialized in a classroom full of kids. And just because you *may* homeschool him, it doesn't mean he has to miss out on classes persay. Heck, in the homeschool world, there are some families where one kid is unschooled, another is doing unit studies and another something like Abeka. Things can be so much more tailored and free, and it's so fun to be the first one to see the spark of learning. :)
You're right about that. I find myself consumed with figuring out what is best for W. J needs privacy, quiet, and solitude to concentrate on her interests. With W home it puts a huge monkey wrench in that. Ugh. I can't think.
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