Thursday, November 03, 2005

Same old thing today. I cleaned in the morning, brought W to school, J roller-bladed home, did a few workbook pages, went on a few websites, and then we picked W up. We went to the playground, picked up K, and went to dance class. Boring.

At the playground, W played with an adorable 2-year-old nicknamed Cha-Cha (lol). He acted like the big protector and helped her onto the swing and down the slide. It was just so cute.

K is still doing ok at school. She got 100 on a math test, but a 36 on a language arts test. I think the LA teacher is asking too much - having the kids write long word-for-word definintions. What's the point of that?! K knows very well what these words mean. I'm not upset with K. I just explained to her that although the teacher is being unfair, you have to play the game the way she wants. If the assignment is to memorize definitions, then that's what you gotta do. I brought up homeschooling again with her yesterday (mentioning that she's not going to get into the good high schools with those grades) and she started crying and saying how she'll do badly on purpose if she's homeschooled. If I had known about homeschooling 8 years ago, we wouldn't even have been having this conversation. All the kids would have been homeschooled from the getgo.

J's dance class was great. They're working on their new tap and jazz routines. W fell asleep on the way so he slept in the car while I read. He woke up after an hour and we went down to watch. He was very grouchy and had a pretty nice tantrum because I didn't have any money to buy him chips. I had to remove him from the area and we sat in the car again until class was over. I have no patience for these tantrums. I told him he is almost 5 years old and should not be acting like he's 2.

At home, J helped B make dinner (she has the cooking bug now! LOL) and phoned her h/s'd friend G to ask if she could come to dance tomorrow for "bring a friend day". That should be fun.


Anonymous said...

Hi NYCCityMomx3 - We're a homeschooling family visiting Manhattan next week - my oldest daughter (17) is visting Juilliard, MHS, and then going up to Eastman for a couple days. Our kids are all teenagers and here in Seattle they get together with their homeshooling friends nearly every day for studying/hanging out/etc. I'm looking for an opportunity for my son (14) to meet homeschoolers from NYC. Is there a place where the teens hangout - or a regular group get together that we can attend as guests? I haven't been able to find anything yet. Thanks for any links or leads you can furnish. We'll be there Nov6-12 and also in Feb/March for auditions.

NYCitymomx3 said...

My local h/s group created a teen group. I'll have to see when they meet and what they do. Leave me another comment or email me at when you arrive and I'll let you know the details!