Thursday, April 22, 2010

This Week

My 17th wedding anniversary was the other day. B and I went out for dinner on Friday and I came home to a dozen roses on Monday. We should always have days like that.

This week we're focusing on the academics (I try and avoid the word "schoolwork" since nothing we do resembles school at all). I haven't planned too many daytime outings over the next few months because I'd like to catch up some more on W's schedule. At the rate we're going, we'll finish AO Yr 2 by the end of September, lol.

He's doing great, though, narrating like a pro and whizzing through math. Now that he can reel off the whole times table (the 12s are still tricky, though) and the corresponding division without hesitation, I think any new math concept we encounter will be a piece of cake. As long as he's enjoying it, he's learning.

I found this online calendar ( that seems perfect to use as a daily log of what W and I cover each day. It's very simply laid out. I just enter the info (broken into subjects) and I can print out a day, week, or month. I find it way easier and faster to use than the google calendar or other ones I've tried.  Even though we don't NEED to keep records like this, I enjoy doing it and have always kept some sort of academic log.

J has a dance competition coming up this weekend. She has 3 small groups, 3 large groups, 1 duet, and 1 solo. We'll be staying at my mom's for the weekend since she lives close to the comp venue. Today and tomorrow I'll be pulling everything out of the trunk and garment bag, going over all 8 costumes and making sure all accessories, shoes, makeup, jewelry, and toiletries are packed. That's the nerve-wracking part - making sure we don't forget anything. There's nothing worse than knowing your daughter has to be on stage in 3 minutes and her left tap shoe is no where to be found.

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