Today was a pretty cool day. In the morning, the cable guy replaced my modem and now I'm zipping through webpages at lightning speed! For 3 weeks we kept intermittently losing connection - up to 20 times a day. Now I'm back on the ball! I hate letting big, male strangers into the apartment, though. I wish there was another (easy) way to get things fixed.
After dropping W off at school, we went home and J picked up the bridge workbook and did some math and language arts pages. I had left it out with a sharpened pencil closeby (the book was missing for a few weeks) and when she saw it, she said "Oh Yay!". "Suggestive strewing", we'll call that, maybe, lol. Then we picked up W and went to the playground. W found his friend Roberto and they played together the whole time. J surprised me by coming over to tell me she's playing handball with a few girls at the handball court. I watched them from far away and was proud of her. She has been shy lately with meeting new people and today she seemed to overcome it. She saw the same girls playing tag yesterday, but was too nervous to approach them. W's not shy at all and even asked Roberto's dad for a dollar so he could get an icee (which he got and was proud of himself for figuring out a way to get an icee after mom said no). I had another talk with him later on.
K had play practice and W's hip-hop class was cancelled. J and W played with his Disney sticker workbook and watched a movie. Later on, W and I sat at the computer "doing words" - a game we haven't played for a long time. We open an MS Word document page, make the font really big and colorful, and type words to sound out. J googled and printed out the lyrics to the song she's singing in the dance recital and spent about an hour practicing in her bedroom. I created a homepage link to a "safe search" Google, so I no longer have to worry about objectionable pictures and words appearing in my kids' searches. In the evening, K and J both fixed up their respective websites, adding music videos, icons, and new photos.
Link of the day:
Public Schools - Public Prisons
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