Quarterly Report #3 2014-2015
Jan 31, 2015 to Apr 15, 2015
Apr 15, 2015
Child's Name
NYC Student ID: ___________________ (optional)
DOB: ____________ Grade Level: 8
Address: ___________________________________
________ is progressing at a satisfactory level or above in all subject matter. He has had instruction in all subjects listed in Section 100.10 of the Regulations of the New York State Commissioner of Education and as outlined in ________’s Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP). The following table lists some of his many resources and experiences this quarter:
_________ has covered at least 80% of the planned material for this quarter. He has had no absences from instruction this quarter and has exceeded the required hours of instruction (247.5).
Parent Signature
Ok, so it's basically the same quarterly I've always used, but with a little extra detail. I've always said that my sample IHIP is just a general outline of what you "may or may not" be using this year. This new quarterly states what you've actually used and some great educational things you did. I still believe that no one at the district office cares about the awesome homeschooly things you do and that that they are there for the sole reason of checking off a box, but these quarterlies are great for your own records, portfolios, scrapbooks, etc. And I think it looks pretty cool, too.
I am fully aware that it's not necessary (i.e. in the NY State Regulations) to include some of the information I've included in this new quarterly, but it's just a sample and it covers just about all the bases. It should satisfy even the strictest districts. Plus, it still only takes a few minutes to write up and it's still less than a page long. This is how I'll be doing mine from now on.
p.s. If you'd like to use this sample for grades 1-6, remember that the required hours of instruction are 225 per quarter, not 247.5.
p.p.s. I create it in Google Documents using tables and shading, then save as a PDF.