On Saturday, B and the kids surprised me with lots of chocolate and cards. I got B a bag of 70% pure cocoa dark chocolate squares and the kids got a heart-shaped box of assorted stuff. A boy that K sorta kinda likes ("but is sooo cute") came by to give her a single red rose for Valentines Day. She's on the lookout for someone new since the other dude didn't work out. She enjoys the attention and I'm watching like a hawk, lol.
J went out with her friend, S, to a concert. This one was for a ('nother obscure) boy band called PushPlay. It was at the Crazy Donkey out in Farmingdale and she had a blast. They went with her friend's mom and it was pretty family-friendly. They also had passes for the meet-and-greet afterwards. J got autographs from all the band members, but unfortunately they weren't letting cameras in.
S came over the next day and we all went out to the movies to see Coraline. I loved it. It was scary-ish and in 3-D. $100 later, we got home and S slept over. today we relaxed. The girls hung out, K was at a friend's house, and B took W to the park. This week is President's Week - which used to be called Energy Conservation Week when I was a kid - and K is off. My younger 2 will continue with the AO schedule this week. We've fallen a bit behind again, but not by much. J has a standardized test to take in a couple of months and she wants to hone the math skills. W's new favorite show is the Electric Company (my fave back in the day as well) and I can already see the impact it's had on his reading. The show rocks. Too bad it's only on once a week. We're DVR'ing it though.
Ah, I loved the Electric Company too! I also liked Zoom and 3-2-1 Contact, which no one but me seems to remember anymore.
Not only do I remember Zoom and 321 Contact, but I remember all the theme songs, too, lol. I also loved Big Blue Marble, Vegetable Soup, The Great Space Coaster, Villa Allegre, and Carascolendas (with the guy in the lion suit)? No one remembers these, but I watched them religiously.
I remember Big Blue Marble and The Great Space Coaster! I used to love Land of the Lost too, but when I looked it up on YouTube to show my daughter recently, neither of us could get over how awful the acting and special effects were. Oh well, it was good in my memory. :)
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