Saturday, March 25, 2006

K had play practice this morning, W had baseball, and K then had a birthday party to go to. She had a great time. Over 7 hours they had pizza, went bowling, played manhunt in the backyard, tag out in front, Scene It, had cake, and gossiped. K's outings with friends are not as frequent as I used to have as a kid. Things are so different now.

The rest of us hung around the apartment all day. I was so exhausted for some reason and actually got a 20-minute nap in at around 4:30pm. W and I played some word-guess games and he and J watched a movie together. J talked to a bunch of friends today on the phone and on IM (one girl from dance, one from Annie last summer, and one from her old school). I'm so proud of the fact that J has maintained great friendships over the past year. It makes me wonder how there's such a socialization concern with homeschooled kids. Tomorrow's a busy day. Signing off...

Link of the day:
Unschooling Lets Children Pursue Their Own Interests

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've got a point there. I don't resent going to school. It was a different time. Plus my mother had to work. But growing up shy, school did not help. I think if I had the opportunity to be homeschooled, I would have done better "socially" b/c the friends I made outside of school didn't/don't believe me when I say I'm shy. I think people are caught up in an institutionalized mentality and don't stop to realize that most good friendships are made outside of school.