Friday, July 15, 2005

I spent the whole day cleaning and the kids found cool things to do. J and W played school, restaurant, and supermarket throughout the day. J dressed her Bitty Twins and W played with his dinosaur Transformer and cars. K updated her website and blog and made a wire and tiny-bead bracelet. We all ate half a huge watermelon and made popcorn. When I sat down for a rest, W was right there with Hop on Pop to read with me. He asked me "What do Cooties look like?". I had to explain they weren't real and that Daddy was just kidding around. LOL.

B and W went in the backyard to bbq some steaks as I finished tidying up the dining room. I got so much done today. Tomorrow I want to tackle J's room and finally put K's desk together. Poor K. The unopened box of new desk has been sitting downstairs for months. Our deal was that she clean her room enough so it fits in there well. Still waiting for that to happen. I think if she sees me bring up the box, she'll fix up a bit in there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahaha! The clean room thing sounds like me when I was a kid. I think geniuses thrive on mess (or at least I'd like to delude myself since my kids are messy right now just like I was--well still am.) ROFL!

I had to laugh at cooties. I've been teasing my 5 year old, and she's not bothered by it yet. I guess I'll have to wait til the 3 year old starts saying his sister has cooties. LOL!

Mmm, steak. Boy have I been wanting some good steak for a while, I could smell it just reading your entry.