Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I was talking with my friend, M, on the phone this morning and I happened to mention that J was still asleep (9:15am). Man, you would have thought I said J was having coffee and a cigarette or something. She got annoyed that I would allow her sleep so late and she should be up doing work at this time. She said she thought homeschoolers were up early at the kitchen table doing work from 8 to 3. OMG! I gently explained that we don't do things like schools do. I said she is a free child now and will go about her day at her own pace. I could go on and on til I was blue in the face and she still wouldn't get it. She then ended the conversation with, "Well, it's your life". Sigh.

Anyway, while everyone was away at work and school, J read more of her book. I saw some messages on the NY Homeschooling email group about testing and that gave me an idea. I asked J if she'd like to take a test. She was really excited about it. I found a 4th grade Texas practice math test she could do online and she spent almost an hour on it. She got about 80% correct. 2/3 of the ones she got wrong were careless mistakes (adding wrong, misreading the question, etc). The other 1/3 was stuff she didn't know. We went over every wrong answer and she insisted on learning what she didn't know. It only took one brief explanation for her to understand the math but I still felt a bit too "teachy". She enjoyed it, though, so I'll bookmark some more tests for her to play around with at her leisure.

W fell asleep at 5pm so he missed his hip-hop class. K is planning her outfit for tomorrow and B, J, and W (who woke up at 7) are watching The Great Pumpkin. In a few minutes I'm going to go over K's schoolwork with her. I can help her with anything she doesn't understand (I hope).


NYCitymomx3 said...

Isn't it great? Any misbehavior and lack of focus is just about GONE since she's been homeschooled. I swear the relaxed pace and being allowed to sleep is what did it.

I am learning not to care what anyone else thinks. It's hard, though!

Anonymous said...

We all sleep late here except my husband, but he has no choice and he's an early bird. It's one of the reasons (Of many) I chose to homeschool b/c although she's a good sleeper, my oldest doesn't sleep at normal hours. We can do the bedtime routine early, but she's still up hours later. So no worries of her messing up in school b/c she's tired. Your friend would be shocked, we're usually not up until after 10 unless we have something to do.