Thursday, September 22, 2005

The big school finally called and W starts Monday. He's very happy about this since he's been asking to go every day this week. J is happy, too because she felt "thrown off" by W being home. I think it's just because he's only 4 and doesn't know how to spend time by himself that often. He always wants to be silly and play with J - which is perfectly fine - except that J wants quiet, alone-time to concentrate. I'm sure that sometime in the near future he will learn how to keep himself occupied without disrupting the whole house. But I still think he's beyond adorable and I love playing with him even if J thinks he's a pain, lol.

We went out to Barnes and Noble this afternoon and I told the kids they could choose something. J came over to me with a 4th-grade Spectrum Language Arts workbook that she wanted. She excitedly said they didn't have this last time we were there. She opened it up and showed me how much fun it looked. (um, ok then). I am actually glad she enjoys workbooks so much. She is just used to them since she used them often in school and it's probably a part of her comfort zone. That's fine. She also picked out a children's novel - The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary. Some of the books she chooses seem so below her reading level, but I'm not saying anything. All I care about is that she's liking reading again.

We ate dinner at Boston Market - it was easy to stick with my SB Diet there - and got home around 7. While K was finishing homework on the computer, J, W, and I lay on my bed reading. I'm trying to finish the diet book, J read her new one, and W flipped through a Disney storybook and the Wizard of Oz. All of a sudden we were having a big hug fest and laughing hysterically. I made dessert (SBD friendly) out of ricotta cheese, unsweetened cocoa powder, and a packet of Equal. K wanted to try it first and freaked out over how good it was. It was amazing - not what you'd expect. I decided to have that every night. LOL.

So, I changed the blog template - what do you think? The other one was getting claustrophobic-looking. I like it!


ellesu said...

Hi..your post took me back a few years to when my youngest son was giving his older brothers and sister fits. :) I also remember how good it felt to snuggle with my kids when they were so little and pudgy and soft and smelled so good after a bath. Thanks for the memories....

And thanks for *tagging* me. It was a much needed distraction from all that was going on in my world.

Oh, and I like your new template. :)

NYCitymomx3 said...

Thanks for bringing me to a better appreciation of these snuggly times. I do take things for granted, I know. :)

Pam said...

I've been reading your blog for months and just decided I finally needed to comment. I DO like the new look. It's fresh and clean.

We just started homeschooling this month, and you have been an anonymous encouragement through these past months as I have freaked out, calmed down and actually began to look forward to homeschooling.

You'll see, if you check out my blog that I've even pirated your title to fit our own homeschooling journey. Anyway, I enjoy reading about what's going on with you and your family. We also have three -- two girls and then a boy. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I like the template. I see you as more colorful though--LOL!

Yay for starting the big school. Finally. I hope it works out well. I agree about the cuddly times. Yesterday I was in a cranky mood and I felt I was too hard all day on my oldest--who will be 6 in Dec, so I got cuddly and silly with her--it was so nice and fun.

Mmm, Boston Market--that's one place I miss--except the dry cornbread. LOL!