Friday, September 23, 2005

We stayed home cleaning today. My mom is coming in the morning to help me paint. She's also sleeping over, so I had to bust my butt perfecting the apartment before she gets here. It still doesn't look like it'll be up to her standards. My mom is the queen of clean and I didn't inherit any of those genes. I just hope she goes easy on me. LOL.

J watched The Magic Schoolbus this morning and then a little too much tv the rest of the day. I diverted her attention a couple of times by having her help me with the laundry. She was eager to show me that she could do it by herself. And she could. She asked if she could do laundry all the time now. Yeah, like that's gonna last more than a week, lol. She also did some computer games with W and was on the phone with her dance friend, S, for hours.

W and I played LeapPad this afternoon. I bought him a new book for it yesterday on digraphs and letter blends. I have to keep remembering to let him lead. I was starting to go into teacher mode there for a minute and he immediately lost interest in the page we were doing (I'm a Type-A, first-born, Virgo - being anal is in my blood). Damn, it's hard not to do that. So then when I started letting him do whatever he wanted with it instead of doing it "right", he had fun again. Hey, I'm learning, I'm learning.


Anonymous said...

LOL! No wonder Virgo's think Leo's are nuts. ROFL! My former step father and I fought like crazy and he was a Virgo. Tee hee. It's hard not to teach sometimes. But when I slip into mode, I catch myself b/c my oldest is afraid to make mistakes, and I tell her it's okay b/c making mistakes is part of learning. She likes doing it on her own better--after 35 years of being used to a certain way, sometimes it's hard to let go I find. I LOVE Leap Pad. That and the Leapster--I've been known to play while the kids are sleeping. hahaha

Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry for the double post, I was talking to my kids--Friday night is stay up late night, and I wasn't paying what I was doing. doh!