Monday, September 05, 2005

Today is Labor Day! We spent the weekend at my mother's house in Long Island. This morning K made pancakes for everyone. We all got dressed and went to the beach for like 6 hours. It's such a beautiful beach out here. The kids did a lot of sand play - making big holes, sifting out the rocks, and making "soup" with shells, seaweed, and pebbles. They all found friends to play with, too. The water was warm and W showed off his swimming ability. I haven't been swimming in the sea in a long time and had to get used to there being "stuff" in the water . We found a couple of horseshoe crabs and sand crabs. K wanted to dissect one.

Back at Mom's house, the kids went in the pool and we had pizza for dinner. We'll probably drive the hour back home at around 9ish. I think I want to come out again next week and hit that beach again before it gets too chilly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sigh, I miss Sept in NY. :) And October, November, Dec--you know the drill. LOL!