Sunday, September 11, 2005

Woke up at mom's around 8 and Dad had homemade waffles and bacon waiting for us all. My sister, G, dropped off her 2 kids around 10am because she and her husband were in this big golf tournament (that they actually won last year!!). All of us decided to get in one last beach day this year. It was breezy but really nice. There were a lot of horseshoe crabs dead at the shoreline in a pile and the kids were playing with them (eew).

K made a big hole in the sand and built a few sandcastles in it. She also found some shells, a white quartz rock with a hole in it, and some indian paint rocks to bring home. Mom and all the kids went in the water, which is still warm, and played in the small waves. W rode some waves in - swimming underwater like a fish. There were lots of seagulls and even 2 little baby ones (never saw ones so tiny). We fed them some cookies. If your not watching your spot, they will come and invade it, looking for food, lol. J was still in the water as we were packing up to leave and didn't want to come out.

W fell right asleep in the car and slept right through dinnertime. He awoke around 7, but by that time we were home in the city. K did the rest of her homework on the computer and J and W played together on my bed. W will probably be up late now. B should be home by 10:30pm and said he will hang out with W if he's still up. Tonight is B's last night at the Open! All the money he made is going right to the credit cards. I'm looking forward to a good week.

Never forget September 11th.

I watched the ceremony this morning and cried as they named my friend Yvonne, who I had just seen at a Candlelight party the week before she died. And I cried for B's friend James, who lived down my block and dated a girl I used to hang out with. And I cried for all of them and all their families. I cried for NYC and for the USA. Then I dried my tears and hugged my kids and felt so much pride to be an American.

May God bless us all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, waffles and bacon (can you tell I watch the Simpsons?--ROFL!) Sounds like it was a great time.

My thoughts on 9/11--I was 4 1/2 months pregnant with my son. We used to (my then almost 2 year old and I) go for my OB appointments in Manhattan at the center that was affiliated with Beth Israel Hospital. Being tired and pregnant, my daughter and I used to take the bus from the ferry over to the Dr's office. That bus used to go right by the WTC where I worked in 1998 and if I had chosen to be a working mom would have still been working. That week, my midwife appt was changed to one day earlier than the usual day I used to go, and the WTC incident happened around the time we would have been on the bus on our way to the Dr. I think someone was looking out for us that day. To this day I have no idea if any of my former coworkers were killed or hurt in this incident.

My husband who worked in the diamond district at the time was let off work early and it took him over 6 hours to get home from midtown to staten island and with me being pregnant and having a one year old at home at the time, it was a pretty worrysome day.